Website Email Addresses

Website Services In Scarborough

Website Email Addresses

Email Addresses For Profesional Business Emails

One of the first things that most website owners like to do after registering a domain name and setting up a website is to set up their own Email address ending with their new domain name. Unfortunately, most people who register a domain name themselves find it almost impossible to set the MX records in their hosting account and after many unsuccesful attempts to set it up, they simply carry on using their gmail, hotmail or whatever mail.

Using Webmail

You will be able to log in and access your email from any pc or device using the website's server.

Profesional Business Emails

Customers are more likely to choose a business with a professional email address. With a memorable, domain-based email account, you’ll promote your company with every message.

If you were looking for a company or service and one had a hotmail or google email address and the other one had their own business email address, which would you choose?

When your website is hosted by us, we will set up your emails for you.

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